Being kind is underrated

2 min readApr 6, 2022

Being kind is underrated.

In this uncertain and cruel world, it’s so much easier to be apathetic and heartless. It’s easier to not care, because then, you don’t get hurt.

I often think about the meaning of kindness. People usually do nice things for others, expecting to receive something better in return. I mean, you give to get, right? But, is that really being kind, if you expect something back? What happens when you don’t? Would you become resentful towards the person you helped? Would you blame the universe for being unfair to you?

Being kind is underrated.

For me, the meaning of kindness is a self-less act — to do something without any expectations of receiving something in return. It’s the idea of “give just to give”- easier said than done.

I believe as human beings, we have an immense capacity to be kind. But we are living in a world where it’s incredibly difficult to do so. How can we be gracious to somebody that hurts us continuously? How can we act with compassion towards the ones who disrespect us, look down on us, bully us, patronize us, criticize us, body shame us?

Being kind is underrated. It means collecting all of your heartaches, traumas, stress, anxiety, griefs, sufferings, and mend them into an unbreakable sword of kindness. Because to give is to give.

We might think that a person can only give so much until they reach their limit. I’d like to think otherwise. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I believe we can take all the pains this world has dumped on us and turn them into something great. And, to be great is to be kind.

Being kind is underrated. And as the world keeps turning its back on us, it will only get harder to keep your kind little heart intact. But I will always strive to be kind, no matter how hard at times it may get. Because if a person can only leave one mark in this world, I want my mark to be kindness, an underrated act that takes so much courage and bravery to carry out.

Being kind is underrated. So if you’re still kind, despite all the bitterness you’ve tasted thus far in your life, go little you :). You are so much stronger than you’ve realized.




Hi! I share entries from my journal from time to time. :)